
HSE Management

Strategic Environmental Assessment 2012

In preparation for the first licensing round, initially planned for 2013, and in compliance with the requirements of Law 132/2010 (Offshore Petroleum Resources Law), the Government of Lebanon carried out a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Offshore Petroleum Sector in Lebanon in 2012. The SEA was undertaken by the International Consultant RPS Energy.

The SEA report evaluated the likely environmental and social effects of introducing and developing oil and gas activities in Lebanon. The SEA considered different potential development scenarios and assumptions during the assessment. The SEA report extended its focus to the likely results of the licensing program, including exploratory and production drilling, processing and transportation. The report helps in informing ministerial decisions through consideration of the environmental and social implications of the proposed actions.

The SEA identified a number of recommendations to form an action plan for the next phases of work. The individual operators acquiring the petroleum rights will be contractually committed, amongst other requirements, to providing Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) in sufficient detail to identify their location and project specific impact assessments and full baseline studies before carrying any activities. The Lebanese Petroleum Administration (LPA) has initiated several projects in line with the suggested recommendations including cooperation programs with international agencies such as the Norwegian Oil for Development (OfD) Program and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
Vol 1 SEA Report - SEA for Petroleum Activities
Vol 2 National Contingency Plan - SEA for Petroleum Activities
Vol 3 Stakeholder Management - SEA for Petroleum Activities
Vol 4 Gap Analysis - SEA for Petroleum Activities
Vol 5 GIS - SEA for Petroleum Activities
Vol 6 Registers - SEA for Petroleum Activities
Vol 7 Onshore Pipeline Route - SEA for Petroleum Activities
Vol 8 Field Survey Instruction Manual - SEA for Petroleum Activities  


Strategic Environmental Assessment 2020

In preparation for the second licensing round, planned for 2020, and in compliance with the requirements of Law 132/2010 (Offshore Petroleum Resources Law) and the Decree 8312/2020, the Government of Lebanon initiated an update to the 2012 Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in 2018. The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Exploration and Production Activities Offshore Lebanon was finalized in 2020.

The SEA was conducted under the European Union (EU) financed PROMARE Technical Assistance Project (“Technical assistance to support the Government of Lebanon's preparation of exploiting and producing offshore oil and gas resources“) and prepared by the international GFA Consulting Group and its consortium partners, and led by Earth Link and Advanced Resources Development (ELARD).
The objectives of this SEA are to:
•    Inform the exploration activities in the awarded blocks (4 & 9) and subsequent exploration activities arising from future licensing rounds taking into consideration environmental criteria;
•    Inform the next licensing rounds with respect to blocks to be opened taking in consideration environmental criteria;
•    Inform the Development and Production Plans (PDP) taking into consideration environmental criteria;
•    Ensure consistency of E&P activities with other national, regional, sectorial plan/strategies /policies and international commitments;
•    Engage stakeholders including interested public in a participatory approach and build trust;
•    Advise on the need for transboundary notification and consultation;
•    Advise on filling existing gaps in environmental and social requirements;
•    Provide environmental management and monitoring frameworks for the sector; and
•    Streamline the EIA process for E&P activities that will be subject to an EIA study.

The SEA strategically assesses the social, environmental and economic impacts, both positive and negative, potentially related to the offshore oil and gas activities, and more importantly, provides a comprehensive management framework for the mitigation of these impacts and monitoring performance against a holistic set of indicators based on the SDGs. Recommendations of this study provide further guidance for the development of the oil and gas sector, mainly from an environmental point of view addressing data collection, block opening, mainstreaming of impact assessments, development options and environmental management.

The SEA clarifies the environmental and social context and aims to reduce risks and liabilities and enhance competition and visibility for International Oil Companies (IOCs). On the other hand, it defines responsibilities on the International Oil Companies as well as on the various relevant government entities to ensure an integrative approach.
1- Cover page
2- Non Technical Summary - English
3- Non Technical Summary - Arabic
4- SEA E&P Lebanon Volume 1  SEA Report
4a- SEA E&P Volume 1 Appendices A, B, C & D
4b- SEA E&P Volume 1 Appendices E & F 5 - SEA E&P Lebanon Volume  2  Baseline Conditions
6 - SEA E&P Lebanon Volume  3 Legal
7 - SEA E&P Lebanon Volume  4 Stakeholder Engagement
8- MOE Approval Letter



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